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Gordon Strachan – Jesus, the Master Builder



Beginning with these legends, the author uncovers fascinating interconnections between the Celtic and Mediterranean cultures and philosophies. Taking the biblical image of “wisdom as master craftsman,” Strachan explores the deep layers of Mystery knowledge shared by the world of Jews and Greeks and that of the northern Druids-using the secret geometry of masons and builders, which Jesus would have encountered in his work as a craftsman in Palestine, as well as the biblical Gematria, or numeric encryption.


Charles H. Hapgood – Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings: Evidence of Advanced Civilization in the Ice Age

Hapgood concluded that these ancient mapmakers were in some ways much more advanced in mapmaking than any people prior to the 18th century. It appears they mapped all the continents. The Americas were mapped thousands of years before Columbus. Antarctica was mapped when its coasts were free of ice. There is evidence that these people must have lived when the Ice Age had not yet ended in the Northern Hemisphere and when Alaska was still connected with Siberia by the Pleistocene, Ice Age ‘land bridge’.

John Michell – The Dimensions of Paradise

The priests of ancient Egypt preserved a geometrical canon, a numerical code of harmonies and proportions, that they applied to music, art, statecraft, and all the institutions of their civilization. Plato, an initiate in the Egyptian mysteries, said it was the instrument by which the ancients maintained high, principled standards of civilization and culture over thousands of years.

In The Dimensions of Paradise, John Michell describes the results of a lifetime’s research, demonstrating how the same numerical code underlies sacred structures from ancient times to the Christian era. In the measurements of Stonehenge, the foundation plan of Glastonbury, Plato’s ideal city, and the Heavenly City of the New Jerusalem described in the vision of Saint John lie the science and cosmology on which the ancient world order was founded. The central revelation of this book is a structure of geometry and number representing the essential order of the heavens and functioning as a map of paradise.

About the Author(s) of The Dimensions of Paradise
John Michell, educated at Eton and Cambridge, is the pioneer researcher and specialist in the field of ancient, traditional science. He is the author of more than twenty-five books that have profoundly influenced modern thinking, including The New View Over Atlantis, Secrets of the Stones, and The Temple of Jerusalem: A Revelation.

Praise for The Dimensions of Paradise
“John Michell’s The Dimensions of Paradise is inarguably among the most important Gnostic transmissions of recent generations. With his candid, uncomplicated style, John has made widely available the visions, the laws, and the numbers held within pure geometry and which integrate earth and sky, movement and form, cosmos and mankind.”
Robert Lawlor, author of Sacred Geometry: Its Philosophy and Practice and Voices of the First Day
“John Michell has produced one of the primary texts for understanding the number system that encoded the prehistoric world view. He reveals how sacred geometry, myth, gematria, and the structure of numbers created a big picture lost soon after Plato, a knowledge replaced by derivative religious and materialistic ideas. The Dimensions of Paradise is an essential key to comprehending monuments such as the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge, but it also provides an initiatory journey into the ancient mind itself.”
Richard Heath, author of Sacred Number and the Origins of Civilization
“As usual, this is a dense, yet inspiring, read and one that has some practical nuggets in it for those who are looking for a kind of three-dimensional sacred geometry they can apply to daily life.”
Institute of Hermetic Studies, Mar 2008
” . . . a top pick for New Age libraries interested in sacred geometry.”
The Midwest Book Review, April 08
“A must for anyone looking for the science hidden within the matrix of life.”
Rahasya Poe, Lotus Guide magazine, July 2009



RIBORDY, LEONARD – Architecture et géométrie sacrées dans le monde

Mégalithes, mosquées, temples grecs, hindous ou bouddhistes sont décryptés à la lumière de la symbolique des nombres. Cette géométrie sacrée sert de lien entre les divers courants religieux, en soulignant comment la Vie et ses manifestations indiquent une recherche constante de la lumière de l’esprit, selon une grande variété d’expressions symboliques. ?Dans son premier ouvrage “La Symbolique des Nombres et de la Géométrie”, Léonard Ribordy avait remarquablement démontré comment une antique philosophie, malgré les progrès fulgurants des connaissances scientifiques, avait gardé toute la lumière de sa jeunesse.
Ce message symbolique étant resté gravé dans les traces archéologiques des civilisations passées, l’auteur nous propose dans ce nouvel ouvrage un voyage dans le temps et dans l’espace, en analysant la structure sacrée des temples anciens et contemporains des différentes civilisations du monde entier. Ainsi est né ce nouvel essai centré sur l’Architecture et la Géométrie sacrées à la lumière du Nombre d’Or.
?Léonard Ribordy est ingénieur en Génie-Civil EPFL, d’origine suisse, né en 1939, à Saint Maurice (Valais). Son intérêt pour les choses de l’esprit et sa passion pour les sciences, l’architecture, l’histoire et les mathématiques l’ont incité à construire des ponts entre les sciences et la spiritualité dans l’espoir d’apporter un peu de lumière dans un monde tourné vers un matérialisme stérile, peu compatible avec l’évolution humaine.


John Michell – How the World is Made: The Story of Creation According to Sacred Geometry

His more than 300 colour illustrations reveal the secret code within these geometrical figures and how they express the spiritual meanings in the key numbers of 1 through 12. He identifies the various regular shapes and shows their constructions; their natural symbolism; their meetings, matings and ways of breeding; and their functions within the universal order. In the process, Michell helps us see the world in a new light. Disparate shapes and their corresponding numbers are woven together, resolving themselves into an all-inclusive world image that pattern in the heavens, as Socrates called it, which anyone can find and establish within themselves.


Miranda Lundy – Sacred Geometry (Wooden Books Gift Book)

Is there a secret language all around us? What’s so special about the shape of the Great Pyramid? How can there be something sixy about circles?
Lavishly illustrated by the author, this small introduction to one of the oldest and most widespread subjects on Earth will forever change the way you look at a triangle, arch, church window, fabric design, graphic or spiral.


Michael S. Schneider – A Beginner’s Guide to Constructing the Universe

Why cans, pizza, and manhole covers are round.
Why one and two weren’t considered numbers by the ancient Greeks.
Why squares show up so often in goddess art and board games.
What property makes the spiral the most widespread shape in nature, from embryos and hair curls to hurricanes and galaxies.
How the human body shares the design of a bean plant and the solar system.
How a snowflake is like Stonehenge, and a beehive like a calendar.
How our ten fingers hold the secrets of both a lobster and a cathedral.
And much more.


Robert Lawlor – Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice (Art and Imagination)

Clearly explained excercises talk the reader through construction of the basic geometric forms and act as invaluble aid to conception. Constant reminders of the interpretations of other world religions and spiritual practices, as well as references to those of modern science, give the reader an undeniable sense of the universality of the symbols studied.

With many illustrations and an awe inspiring amount of information, this book is literally bursting to give new life to the noble study of geometry.


R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz – The Temple of Man

Schwaller de Lubicz’s stone-by-stone survey of the temple of Amun-Mut-Khonsu at Luxor allows us to step into the mentality of Ancient Egypt and experience the Egyptian way of thinking within the context of their own worldview.
His study finds the temple to be an eloquent expression and summary–an architectural encyclopedia–of what the Egyptians knew of humanity and the universe. Through a reading of the temple’s measures and proportions, its axes and orientations, and the symbolism and placement of its bas-reliefs, along with the accompanying studies of related medical and mathematical papyri, Schwaller de Lubicz demonstrates how advanced the civilization of Ancient Egypt was, a civilization that possessed exalted knowledge and achievements both materially and spiritually. In so doing, Schwaller de Lubicz effectively demonstrates that Ancient Egypt, not Greece, is at the base of Western science, civilization, and culture.
To understand the temple of Luxor, twelve years of field work were undertaken with the utmost exactitude by Schwaller de Lubicz in collaboration with French archaeologist Clement Robichon and the respected Egyptologist Alexandre Varille. From this work were produced over 1000 pages of text and proofs of the sacred geometry of the temple and 400 illustrations and photographs that make up The Temple of Man.
The Temple of Man is a monument to inspired insight, conscientious scholarship, and exacting archaeological groundwork that represents a major contribution to humanity’s perennial search for self-knowledge and the prehistoric origins of its culture and science.



Gyorgy Doczi – The Power of Limits: Proportional Harmonies in Nature, Art, and Architecture

These images are awesome not just for their beauty alone, but because they suggest an order underlying their growth, a harmony existing in nature. What does it mean that such an order exists; how far does it extend?
The Power of Limits was inspired by those simple discoveries of harmony. The author went on to investigate and measure hundreds of patterns—ancient and modern, minute and vast. His discovery, vividly illustrated here, is that certain proportions occur over and over again in all these forms. Patterns are also repeated in how things grow and are made—by the dynamic union of opposites—as demonstrated by the spirals that move in opposite directions in the growth of a plant.
The joining of unity and diversity in the discipline of proportional limitations creates forms that are beautiful to us because they embody the principles of the cosmic order of which we are a part; conversely, the limitlessness of that order is revealed by the strictness of its forms. The author shows how we, as humans, are included in the universal harmony of form, and suggests that the union of complementary opposites may be a way to extend that harmony to the psychological and social realms as well.


John Martineau – A Little Book of Coincidence

From the observations of Ptolemy and Kepler to the Harmony of the Spheres and the hidden structure of the solar system, John Martineau reveals the exquisite orbital patterns of the planets and the mathematical relationships that govern them. A table shows the relative measurements of each planet in eighteen categories, and three pages show the beautiful dance patterns of thirty six pairs of planets and moons.



Scott Olsen – The Golden Section: Nature’s Greatest Secret

It is one of the most elegant and beautiful ratios of the mathematical universe because of its combination of elegance and simplicity–hence the divine nature of its name. Drawing on art, architecture, philosophy, nature, mathematics, geometry, and music–and beautifully illustrated in the Wooden Books fashion with all manner of images–The Golden Section will tell the story of this remarkable construct and its wide ranging impact on civilization and the natural world.


Christopher Bamford – Homage to Pythagoras: Rediscovering Sacred Science


* Introduction by Christopher Bamford
* “Ancient Temple Architecture” by Robert Lawlor
* “The Platonic Tradition on the Nature of Proportion” by Keith Critchlow
* “What is Sacred Architecture? by Keith Critchlow
* “Twelve Criteria for Sacred Architecture” by Keith Critchlow
* “Pythagorean Number as Form, Color, and Light” by Robert Lawlor
* “The Two Lights” by Arthur Zajonc
* “Apollo: The Pythagorean Definition of God” by Anne Macaulay
* “Blake, Yeats, and Pythagoras” by Kathleen Raine

About the Authors

ROBERT LAWLOR is the author of Sacred Geometry; Earth Honoring; and Voices of the First Day. After training as a painter and a sculptor, he became a yoga student of Sri Aurobindo and lived for many years in Pondicherry, India, where he was a founding member of Auroville. In India, he discovered the works of the French Egyptologist and esotericist, R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, which led him to explore the principles and practices of ancient sacred science.

KEITH CRITCHLOW is the author of Order in Space; and Time Stands Still. A painter, Critchlow discovered geometry intuitively. A period of intensive geometric practice and work with Buckminster Fuller led him to recognize that the universal principles of geometry are revealed and confirmed both by the area of design where art and mathematics meet and in the study of nature and ancient and medieval sacred cosmological architecture of temples, cathedrals, and mosques. He has been a senior lecturer at the Architectural Association in London and taught Islamic Art at the Royal College of Art. He has also participated as geometer in various sacred architectural projects, and is a cofounder of Temenos, a journal devoted to the arts and imagination, and Kairos, a society that investigates, studies, and promotes traditional values of art and science.

ARTHUR ZAJONC is Professor of Physics at Amherst College, where his research has concerned the nature of light and the experimental foundations of quantum mechanics. He has also taught and written extensively on interdisciplinary aspects of science, the history of science, culture, and spirituality, especially the works of Goethe and Rudolf Steiner. He is the author Catching the Light and The New Physics and Cosmology, featuring dialogues with the Dalai Lama. He has been a visiting scientist at many laboratories and was a Fulbright professor.

ANNE MACAULAY lives in Scotland where she has, for many years, studied the origins of the alphabet, the history of the guitar, the figure of Apollo, and other mysteries surrounding Pythagorean thought. She has lectured at Research into Lost Knowledge Organization (RILKO) and was a trustee of the Salisbury Center in Edinburgh.

KATHLEEN RAINE was a British poet with an international reputation as a scholar of the imagination. A renowned student of William Blake, a penetrating critic, and a profound autobiographer, she wrote numerous books and articles. Kathleen Raine was a cofounder and the editor of Temenos.

Christopher Bamford is Editor in Chief for SteinerBooks and its imprints. A Fellow of the Lindisfarne Association, he has lectured, taught, and written widely on Western spiritual and esoteric traditions. He is the author of The Voice of the Eagle: The Heart of Celtic Christianity (1990) and An Endless Trace: The Passionate Pursuit of Wisdom in the West (2003). He has also translated and edited numerous books, including Celtic Christianity: Ecology and Holiness (1982); Homage to Pythagoras: Rediscovering Sacred Science; and The Noble Traveller: The Life and Writings of O. V. de L. Milosz (all published by Lindisfarne Books). HarperSanFrancisco included an essay by Mr. Bamford in its anthology Best Spiritual Writing 2000.


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