Stéphane Cardinaux – Géométries sacrées
Tous les édifices construits par les bâtisseurs sont basés sur des tracés géométriques rigoureux. Le livre a comme objectif de vous donner les outils nécessaires pour retrouver leurs tracés (lorsqu'ils ont disparu) ou comprendre les lieux sacrés existants : menhirs, mégalithes, dolmens, cromlechs, villas gallo-romaines, temples égyptiens, chapelles, autels, cathédrales, collégiales, églises
Format 21 x 30 - 280 pages tout couleur
Scott Olsen – The Golden Section: Nature’s Greatest Secret
A concise and useful handbook on the Golden Section--also known as the Golden Ratio and Golden Mean. The Golden Section is a line segment divided into two parts, such that the ratio of the short portion to the longer portion is equal to the ratio of the longer portion to the whole.
Robert Lawlor – Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice (Art and Imagination)
Discusses the mythological properties assigned to geometric forms, and covers the Golden Section, gnomonic spirals, music, and the squaring of the circle.
Robert Lawlor elegantly sums up the genesis of sacred geometry and casts light on much of the western world's esoteric tradition. This is a book to which I have returned again and again in my studies and which constantly reminds me of the unity inherant in that which we variously refer to as nature, universe or God.
RIBORDY, LEONARD – Architecture et géométrie sacrées dans le monde
Résumé de "Architecture et géométrie sacrées dans le monde ; "à la lumière du nombre d'or""
Véritable approche philosophique, cette étude porte un éclairage nouveau sur une connaissance ancestrale qui s'exprime, dans la plupart des constructions sacrées, au moyen du nombre d'or, véhicule de la vie divine. ... Lire la suite
R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz – The Temple of Man
The monumental Temple of Man represents the most important breakthrough in our understanding of Ancient Egypt since the discovery of the Rosetta stone. This exhaustive and authoritative study reveals the depths of the mathematical, medical, and metaphysical sophistication of Ancient Egypt.
Miranda Lundy – Sacred Geometry (Wooden Books Gift Book)
Is there a secret language all around us? What's so special about the shape of the Great Pyramid? How can there be something sixy about circles?Lavishly illustrated by the author, this small introduction to one of the oldest and most widespread subjects on Earth will forever change the way you look at a triangle, arch, church window, fabric design, graphic or spiral. [...]
Michael S. Schneider – A Beginner’s Guide to Constructing the Universe
Michael Schneider leads us on a spectacular, lavishly illustrated journey along the numbers one through ten to explore the mathematical principles made visible in flowers, shells, crystals, plants, and the human body, expressed in the symbolic language of folk sayings and fairy tales, myth and religion, art and architecture. This is a new view of mathematics, not the one we learned at school but a comprehensive guide to the patterns that recur through the universe and underlie human affairs. A Beginner's Guide to Constructing, the Universe shows you:
John Michell – The Dimensions of Paradise
Sacred Geometry, Ancient Science, and the Heavenly Order on Earth
An in-depth look at the role of number as a bridge between Heaven and Earth
• Reveals the numerical code by which the ancients maintained high standards of art and culture
• Sets out the alchemical formulas for the fusion of elements and the numerical origins of various sacred names and numbers
• Describes the rediscovery of knowledge associated with the Holy Grail, through which the influence of the Heavenly Order is made active on Earth
John Michell – How the World is Made: The Story of Creation According to Sacred Geometry
Galileo described the universe as a large book written in the language of mathematics, which can only be read by those with knowledge of its characters triangles, circles and other geometrical figures. In How the World Is Made John Michell explains how ancient peoples who grasped the timeless principles of sacred geometry were able to create flourishing societies.
John Martineau – A Little Book of Coincidence
A most unusual guide to the solar system, A Little Book of Coincidence suggests that there may be fundamental relationships between space, time, and life that have not yet been fully understood.
Gyorgy Doczi – The Power of Limits: Proportional Harmonies in Nature, Art, and Architecture
One of the delights of life is the discovery and rediscovery of patterns of order and beauty in nature—designs revealed by slicing through a head of cabbage or an orange, the forms of shells and butterfly wings.
Gordon Strachan – Jesus, the Master Builder
Druid Mysteries and the Dawn of Christianity
There has been much speculation about Jesus' activities before the start of his ministry at the age of thirty. Did he travel beyond Palestine in search of wisdom and knowledge? Where did he acquire the great learning that amazed all who heard him teach, enabling him to debate with Scribes and Pharisees? Certain legends suggest that Jesus traveled to the British Isles with Joseph of Arimathea, a tin trader.
Gordon Strachan – Chartres – Sacred Geometry, Sacred Space
In this ground-breaking new work, Gordon Strachan explores the magnificent structure of Chartres Cathedral and its influences on the medieval master builders.
Using Chartres as a starting point, Dr. Strachan shows how the origins of the Gothic style—the pointed arch—may lie in Islamic architecture. He goes on to a fascinating and detailed consideration of how a particular architectural space affects us, and how sacred geometry creates sacred space.
Daud Sutton – Platonic and Archimedean Solids (Wooden Books Gift Book)
What sort of things happen when space crystallises? Why were primordial sages fascinated with five simple forms? Does the three-dimensional jigsaw fit simply together? If so, how? Find out about one of the languages spoken throughout the universe!
Christopher Bamford – Homage to Pythagoras: Rediscovering Sacred Science
Homage to Pythagoras collects essential documents by people at the leading edge of the sacred sciences today. These articles—both scholarly and sympathetic to the Pythagorean perspective—are proof of the contemporary interest in Pythagoras’ philosophy as a living reality and provide a major addition to the field of Pythagorean studies and traditional mathematics. Contents:
Charles H. Hapgood – Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings: Evidence of Advanced Civilization in the Ice Age
Charles Hapgood's classic 1966 book on ancient maps is back in print after 20 years. Hapgood produces concrete evidence of an advanced worldwide civilisation existing many thousands of years before ancient Egypt. He has found the evidence in many beautiful maps long known to scholars.
Anthony Ashton – Harmonograph: A Visual Guide to the Mathematics of Music (Wooden Books Gift Book)
Music is one of the oldest and most universal of the ancient Arts, yet few people understand what the elements of harmony really are and how they actually fit together, or sometimes don't quite.
Andrew Sutton – Ruler and Compass: Practical Geometric Constructions
Since the earliest times, mankind has employed the simple geometric forms of straight line and circle, in art, architecture, and mathematics. Originally marked out by eye and later using a stretched cord, in time these came to be made with the simple tools of ruler and compass.